Introductory course on light hypnosis
Many clients who came to the therapies mentioned in the training have became so empowered that they went on to become coaches, therapists, healers, writers, painters, or yoga teachers, sometimes together with other careers.
In this course, you will get an overview of what you need to be a light hypnosis facilitator.
This is the basic technique that will allow you to facilitate all other techniques which will be presented.
Here, you will learn about how to appropriately use your voice, including the tonality, rhythm and speed, as well as what words would facilitate the client getting into a light trance (or not).
You will understand that some people may get into a trance more easily than others, and that some people, as they lower their voice, may be getting into a deep trance. So, you will learn how to get them back to a balanced light hypnosis state, so that they can still speak loud enough for you to continue facilitating the session, and to allow them to have a more vivid memory of the session.
Here you will learn the following:
how to receive the clients
what is hypnosis and how to use the technique
in what contexts you can use hypnosis
the difference between a light and a deep hypnotic state
getting clients to a clear expression of what they want, so that you know what to do
what technique to choose to get to the resolution clients want
a quick view of the training to come: past lives regression technique, imaginary room technique, akashic records, spiritual attachments cleansing, spiritual guides communication, de-fragmentation, couples therapy
This course module is 2 four-hours sessions. You will also practice with colleagues during and after the course, so that you can train and master the right technique.